Forsaken World PH

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Auto Path System

Friday, June 17, 2011
For all those newbies out there having trouble understanding the "Auto Path System" I will explain it here as far as I could.

As you can see on the image above "Wish" there's two colored green name one is "Exceptional Hunter" and the second is "Windhowl", the objective of the quest is to kill the "Windhowl" now where to find him? Just click on the colored name "Windhowl" and the "Auto Path System" will take you there. To turn over the quest just click on the name of npc who gave you the quest "Exceptional Hunter".  The "Auto Path System" works by clicking the colored name but there are quests that doesn't have one and those are the quests that you work hard for.

Another example of a "Auto Path System" below.
Press "U" and click on "Daily Quest" the colored gray quests are the completed one's and the orange are the one's not done yet, select one and the name of the npc who gives the quest appears below quest details as I have indicated with an arrow click on the name and it will take you to the npc now the thing to remember is if it doesn't take you there it means your on the wrong map.

Kindly Post your comments, suggestions or corrections including your name or in-game name whichever you prefer for credit.


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