Forsaken World PH

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Cooking Training

Friday, June 17, 2011
A lot of newbies are getting confused with this quest but Im telling you now this is easy.

First of all you get this quest "Cooking Training" from Michell and this is a Daily Quest.

Michell only asks you 1 kind of item for each cooking training the rest is provided by him. One is the "Fruit Juice" which you get by cooking a "Fruit Dew" now where to get this? You can get this from "Circus Peninsula" see image below on how to get to "Circus Peninsula".

You newbie guys must have seen this at Liberty Harbor, this is a Teleport Crystal select your destination "Circus Peninsula" click and it will take you there.

As you can see above I am at "Circus Peninsula", the island at the back with a statue in the middle is where you get the "Fruit Dew" see image below.

As you can see in the image above those are the "Fruit Dew's" glittering.

Now the second kind of item that you will need for another "Cooking Training" is the "Smoked Wolf Meat" which you get by cooking a "Wolf Meat" well you just buy this from "Michell" and start cooking it that's all see image below.

The most important things about the cooking tutorial is when you fail to cook the items and these items are the "Failed Fruit Juice" and "Seared Meat" keep these dont sell or throw them away because sometimes when you do the Henri Quests he asks for these things, that's about it enjoy your "Cooking Training Quest".

I welcome any comments of the above or any corrections you may suggest and dont forget your name or in-game name whichever you prefer so I can give credit to you.


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